If you’re releasing a new book, you might have dreams of landing on The New York Times Best Sellers List. You’re not alone! As the CEO of Nardi Media who’s worked with hundreds of authors on their book launch campaigns, getting on The New York Times Best Sellers List is a goal I hear from many authors. It’s understandable. There’s a certain prestige associated with seeing your book on that list. But should it be your #1 priority when launching your book?

Nardi’s Take? NO!

While prestigious, the truth is that getting on The New York Times Best Sellers List is out of your control. I kept this in mind when I launched my own book, Authentic Power: Give Yourself Permission To Feel. Why? Because I’ve seen far too many authors pour all their energy into chasing this one goal, only to feel crushed when they don’t make it. And there’s a reason for that.


The Unpredictable Nature of The New York Times Best Sellers List

Making it onto The New York Times Best Sellers List isn’t just about selling a massive number of books. You could sell 30,000 copies and not make it, while someone else could sell 12,000 copies of their book and make it. How is that possible? Because at the end of the day, the list is an editorial decision, not a pure numbers game. Beyond the number of books you’ve sold, The New York Times also considers factors like where your books are selling (are they spread across different markets or concentrated in just one?), the types of sales (bulk buys vs. individual purchases), and the kind of media coverage you’re getting.

Even if you check all those boxes, you still might not make the list because it’s ultimately up to the editors. And let’s be real: sometimes, being well-known and having a massive following can matter more than the quality of your writing or the value of your message. That’s why it’s crucial not to put all your eggs in The New York Times basket.

Instead, Focus on What You Can Control

Here’s where your energy should be directed instead:

  1. Harness the Power of the Media: Whether it’s TV, radio, podcasts, or print/online placements, sharing your book message with the media can do wonders to increase your book’s visibility and your thought leadership as an expert. Of course, I strongly believe in the power of the media (that’s why I founded Nardi Media 10 years ago in the first place!), and the results we’ve seen over the last decade are incredible. We’ve helped hundreds of authors land thousands of placements, from Mel Robbins on the TODAY Show to Dr. Gabrielle Lyon on Good Morning America, to Jamie Metzl on Fox and Friends. I’ve even harnessed the power of the media for my own book promotion on Fox 5’s LION Lunch Hour, among others!

  2. Be Your Own Best Marketing Weapon: No one will advocate for your book as strongly or as passionately as you will. Get out there and share your book and its message with your audience, whether with your newsletter list (even if it’s just your personal list!), your social media platforms, and your local community. And if you’re worried about feeling too “spammy”, remember: your contacts will only be as excited about your book as you are. You spent too much time on this book not to be excited about it, so shout it from the rooftops!

  3. Cultivate Local Events: Hosting events where you live is a great way to connect with your local community, create a personal connection with them, and get them excited about your book. Start by researching contact information for your local bookstores and your local library, and ask if they’d be interested in hosting your book event. Virtual events also provide meaningful exposure. For example, our client Chrissy Grigoropoulos and her new book LADYSHARK, skyrocketed to #1 on Amazon in the Legal Services sector the moment we wrapped her virtual book launch event! 

  4. Build a Social Media Presence: You should be reaching out to your existing social media audience about your book launch anyway, but it’s also important to continue building your audience, especially if you want to be considered for any best sellers list. Post about your book, host book giveaways, ask your friends to support you on social media, and engage with your audience. Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with readers and spreading your message!

  5. Create an Author Website: Every author needs an author website, or at least a landing page. Why? This little slice of the Internet will be your book’s digital calling card. Make sure it reflects your brand and serves as a hub for all your book-related content. This should include your book’s message, takeaways that the reader will gain from your book, where to purchase your book, your bio, and any reviews you can share.

  6. Consider Other Prestigious Lists: While The New York Times Best Sellers List is often the first list that comes to most authors’ minds, it’s not the only list worth considering for your book. For example, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Amazon all have best-seller lists that are also prestigious and widely respected. Nardi Media has placed our clients on Amazon’s list, from Chrissy Grigoropoulos’ book LADYSHARK to my own book Authentic Power!

  7. Apply for Awards: Awards are one of the best ways to build visibility, recognition, and credibility for your book and your expertise. The best part? Most awards have multiple categories that you can apply your book for. Just make sure that you only apply your book to categories that are most relevant to your book’s message. For example, my book Authentic Power was a Foreword Indies Winner in the Grief category. There are many reputable awards out there that can help broaden your reach and add credibility to your work.

  8. Define What Success Means to You: You have, quite literally, poured your heart and soul onto the pages of your book. For many of us, our book message represents our life’s work. That’s why it’s crucial to ask yourself: if I didn’t sell a single copy, would I still be proud of this book? If I didn’t make it onto any bestseller lists, would I be embarrassed? At the end of the day, this book is for you. That’s why it’s important to stop focusing on what others define as success, and instead, define what success means to you personally.


Let Us Help You Expand Your Book’s Reach

While many authors we’ve worked with have gone on to land on The New York Times Best Seller’s List, there’s so much more you can, and should, be focusing on to ensure your book launch is successful. 

At Nardi Media, we have a combined experience of 100 years in helping authors like you focus on what truly matters for your book’s success, whether it’s landing on TV, speaking on your favorite podcast, creating a memorable book launch event, or applying for reputable awards. 

If you’re ready for a team of seasoned PR pros to get your book the visibility it deserves, apply to work with us today: https://nardimedia.com/contact/.