Over the years, I’ve worked with a countless number of individuals and companies on crafting verbal messages that will resonate with their audience. Note that I say “verbal” for a reason. Why? Because the way we write and the way we speak are two very different things, and it is important to know this.

According to HubSpot, people remember 95% of a video’s message compared to 10% of what they read in text. This means that the way you communicate your message (i.e. the main point you want people to remember about you and your work) and doing so verbally matters in a big way, whether it is a social media video, a Facebook Live, a speaking engagement, a new business call,  a media interview, and more.

How can you share your message in a way that inspires people to take action, gets them to invest in you and your work, is relatable, and most importantly, that they remember you?

First, you need to put in the work to ensure our message is delivered in a powerful way that is resonating and remembered. Don’t ever try to “wing” your message. This takes time and consideration to craft your message in a way that speaks to your audience and gets them excited about what you do!

Whether you’re preparing for a business meeting, virtual presentation, or media interview, here are my top tips to communicate your message effectively and leave your audience in no doubt why that message matters. 

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