Everyone has a story to tell or a message to share. As a publicist who works with dozens and dozens of authors, I’m constantly in awe of their unique stories, their desire to share them with the world, and their authenticity and vulnerability in opening up so others can benefit.
I bet you, too, have a story to tell. Think about the past experiences that have molded you into the wonderful being you are today. Think about the lessons you’ve learned, the insights you’ve gained, and the wisdom you now have – wisdom that has the chance to resonate with audiences worldwide, or maybe even change lives!
It wasn’t until the height of the pandemic that I realized I had a book in me – let alone a self-help book! As an 11-year-old, I witnessed the sudden death of my father to a heart attack, and after many years of learning how to cope with the trauma I endured, I developed my own toolbox of healing techniques which I felt compelled to share during the pandemic for those struggling. The feedback I’ve received from my book Authentic Power: Give Yourself Permission to Feel has been incredible, and the support I’ve received has been absolutely surreal. Never in a million years did I think I would ever become an award-winning author, let alone have the best publicity team at Nardi Media behind me to help spread my message to the world!
If you need more of a reason to write a book beyond having a story to share, just look at the data. A recent study proves that more and more of us are reading since the pandemic. In fact, the average American read 20 minutes a day in 2020, up from 20% in 2019. It’s also the most time Americans have spent reading since the early 2000s!
If you’re inspired and ready to write your book, here are a few tips to help you get started!
Before you put pen to paper, get a consultation!
I would highly recommend looking into getting a professional consultation from a literary agency before you start writing. In other words, just simply share your idea and see how it lands! Lucinda Literary is our wonderful agency partner that works with aspiring authors and writers on book proposals, query letters, and more.
Check out their website here, which also has a free essential guide for writers, workshops, private consultations, and much more.
No time to write? Consider hiring a ghostwriter.
I love writing (to the point where I have dozens of journals scattered around my house!), but as a business owner and mom, I couldn’t have finished my book when I did without my writing partner. If you find that you have a book idea and need the support to get pen to paper, there are many ways to do so. Among them is KN Literary. The founder, Kelly Notaras, is a dear friend of mine and has helped countless authors write their books. Her incredible team pairs you with a professional writer to match your book needs and message, and works with you every step of the way to ensure you hit all of your publishing goals and deadlines. Because I was simultaneously juggling at-home mom life and entrepreneur life throughout the pandemic, I would send audio voice texts to my writing partner, Melinda, and she would dictate them into the book manuscript right then and there. She was amazing! Having a partner was truly a Godsend for me.
Don’t discount self-publishing.
Hiring a self-publishing firm can get you some of the perks of a traditional publisher, but you’d be paying for it out of pocket. This can include cover design, copyediting, proofreading, uploading your book to Ingram, and coordinating the e-proof and hard proof of your book. The perk of self-publishing is that your intellectual property is ALL yours, as is 100% of the profit!
If you’re curious about self-publishing, I recommend checking out these firms:
Want a mix of traditional publishing and self-publishing? Try this hybrid.
Literally called hybrid publishing (also called partnership publishing), this model allows your book to have the quality, aesthetic, and national distribution that you’d get when working with a traditional publisher, plus the higher royalties and creative control that you’d get with self-publishing firms.
This is the route that I took with Authentic Power, and I recommend the experts at The Collective Book Studio, who are known for their world-class partnership publishing.
Join our Nardi Media Author Connection Calls!
These new monthly calls are meant to create a space for authors like you to network, share ideas and advice, and ask for help on any questions surrounding speaking, author events, publicity, book awards, brand building, connections, networking, and more.
I am also honored to be moderating and leading the calls! The truth is, as an author, I found myself wanting to connect with other authors on a more regular basis, which is exactly what inspired me to create a group to do just that!
This group is for published authors, self-published authors, or authors who have a book coming out. Come join us once a month and make author friends and connections, and learn more about what others are doing to promote their books!
I hope you feel encouraged and inspired to take the next step and share your story with the world. As I said, I truly believe everyone has a book in them, and with some gentle and loving guidance and direction, I have no doubt that you’ll get there.