Is Print Dead? What the Print Resurgence Means for Your PR Strategy
For years, experts have sounded the alarm that print media is on its last legs. Over the last decade, especially since 2020, we’ve seen headline after headline telling us print is dying or already dead. “The Magazines We’ve Lost.” “2022: The Year in Dead Print Publications.” “Internet Crushes Traditional Media.” It seemed like the inevitable […]
Should You Use AI to Write Your Media Pitches? Nardi Media Founder & CEO Weighs In
Each year, new technologies and trends emerge that lead business owners and industry leaders to adjust their strategies and processes. This year, it’s AI: the buzzword everyone is talking about. But AI isn’t just any new technology or trend: it’s a completely reimagined way of working and being, and a controversial one at that. That’s […]
How to Be the Best TV Guest You Can Be to Increase Your Chances of Getting Invited Back
If you landed a TV interview, congratulations! This is a huge milestone and an exciting opportunity to share your message with the masses. But what about getting invited back? This might not even be on your radar yet because you’re busy celebrating your huge TV win (as you should be!), however, getting invited back provides […]
Getting on The New York Times Best Sellers List: Why It’s Out of Your Control and Where to Focus Your Energy Instead
If you’re releasing a new book, you might have dreams of landing on The New York Times Best Sellers List. You’re not alone! As the CEO of Nardi Media who’s worked with hundreds of authors on their book launch campaigns, getting on The New York Times Best Sellers List is a goal I hear from […]
Tips and Tricks for Pitching Success During an Election Year
Elections, without a doubt, are one of the biggest hurdles to navigate when it comes to pitching yourself to the media. Newsrooms are constantly spinning in order to quickly and efficiently serve the latest election news to their audience, so much so that it often feels like election news is the only news that exists. […]
Sharing Your Voice Takes Courage, Treat Yourself With Kindness When You Do
I often preach that we all have a voice that needs to be shared, and it’s usually the parts of our story that we don’t want to share that people need to hear the most. In my media training sessions, I teach people how to find their voice by telling stories. People listen to stories […]
The Countdown Is On! My “10 Days To Book Launch” Timeline For Every Author
The clock is ticking… Your book launch is almost here! I often find authors wondering what they can and should be doing in the final days leading up to their book launches. And here is advice I always share: Don’t just sit pretty while you wait for the press and media requests to come in. As […]
If You Have A Book In You (And I Think Everyone Does), Here Are A Few Tips To Get Started By Ashley Bernardi
Everyone has a story to tell or a message to share. As a publicist who works with dozens and dozens of authors, I’m constantly in awe of their unique stories, their desire to share them with the world, and their authenticity and vulnerability in opening up so others can benefit. I bet you, too, have […]
The Changemaker Series: Getting (Un)Comfortable Talking About Racism, Featuring Ashley, Along With Sara Blanchard and Misasha Suzuki Graham, Authors of Dear White Women
As a White woman myself, I, like so many others, often find myself fearing that I’ll say or do the wrong thing when it comes to dealing with racism. But my friends, Nardi Media clients, hosts of the popular Dear White Women Podcast, and authors of the book Dear White Women: Let’s Get (Un)Comfortable Talking […]
The Changemaker Series: How To Achieve More By Doing Less, Featuring Ashley and Jinny Uppal, Author of IN/ACTION: Rethinking The Path To Results
Before the pandemic, the American hustle culture was the answer to achieving everything we wanted, but when COVID hit, we were forced to pause and reflect on how we want to live our daily lives. For my friend, Nardi Media client, and former VP of Strategy for Bed Bath & Beyond, Jinny Uppal, this pause […]